I ran t
he D/FW Mud Run today. Oh yeah, a really muddy, mud run. It was along the Trinity River Trail in Fort Worth and the Mansfield Fire Department was kind enough to fill all the elements with LOTS of water. We were a team of 5 women, ages 25 to 45 and you guessed it, we were the Mud Slingin' Mommas. The race consists of running 6 miles with 18 'elements' along the way. Everything from climbing a cargo net to jumping over walls, sliding down a big 'ole muddy slip 'n slide to climbing a Staircase to Heaven that was a little challenging when you are wearing 6 lbs. of mud. We were some 'hot lookin' mommas' when we got done! Not one part on us was without mud. Seriously. The best part was getting sprayed down by the fire department hose. OK, never mind, the best part was taking an uninterrupted 20 minute shower when I got home... that was the best. I've never been so happy to be clean...

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