Luke (the 2 year old):
"TIC-TIC ME, MOMMY!" (Tickle me!)
"Num-num wit pea-nut-butt-ter, pleez!" (banana with peanut butter NOW)
"I did went!" (I went potty!)
"I not know!!" (I didn't do whatever it is you think I did!)
"I like O-GEN!" (I like the color orange!)
"Wa-wa-meh-meh?" (water medicine - also known as Albuterol, an oral liquid prescription)
"Wa-wa-meh-meh?" (water medicine - also known as Albuterol, an oral liquid prescription)
And some that do not need translation:
"Too loud, mommy?"
Natalie (the 4 year old):
"Repel" (also known as Propel, the sports drink)
"Mommy, may you please...?" (Words a little out of order, but very courteous all the same.)
Cooper (the 5 1/2 year old):
"Mommy, I can't carry this because I'm full of hands."
"Mommy, that boy broke his foot and needs crunches to help him walk."
When Cooper was ~18 months, he called sunglasses "farlockeez" and a fishing pole "shoopinow". Don't ask me why I can remember that...probably because that child had such an incredible vocabulary early on and perfect diction most of the time that those were anomalies in his speech. (He could say over 200 words by the time he was 20 months.) Even today, his vocabulary is quite expansive for a 5 year old. (Probably because he asks more questions in a day than the the winner of Jeopardy!) Since he is so precocious with his verbal skills, I completely expect to be questioned, challenged or corrected every single day.... (and I love it--most days!)