Wednesday, April 16, 2008


What would I do without nap-time? (Go a little bonkers?)

Yes, that's right, my 5 year old still naps. And my 4 year old and my 2 year old. EVERYONE. I'm telling you, they need to nap. It is a struggle some days, but well worth it once they all settle down and let their bodies rest. I strongly believe my children are happier (I know I am) when they get in a good nap. On Tuesdays and Thursdays only 2 get to take minimal naps at MDO, but M/W/F, they are napping somewhere between 1 and 4 o' clock. I think it is good all-around. Sometimes I will take a nap at the same time (a really good day) OR I will just have 1-2 hours of quiet, silence, solitude, thinking time, down-time, no-question-time, alone time, go-to-the-bathroom-without-a-child-screaming time or just computer time. Right now I should be working, and I'll get to that eventually. Right now, it's just nice to listen to nothing but the computer hum and the dog snoring at my feet...

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