My daughter loves Hello Kitty. I don't know if I conveyed this properly. Here is how she would say it:
I LOVE HELLO KITTY!!! She has shirts with Hello Kitty on them, a dress, a nail file, a pillow, a lunch box, a back pack, crayons, videos, a radio/CD player, 2 blankets, numerous stickers, multiple coloring books, a few purses and 3 stuffed Hello Kitty plush toys.
Here's the story on how she acquired the 'tan' Hello Kitty:
I promised her a 'tan' Hello kitty for earning 50 tokens through the reward chart system. After a week of diligent work, she earned them. I discovered that they had sold out of these particular items in June. Great, nice going Mom of the Year! I went to resource of all resources and found one on Ebay for exactly what it would have cost me at Build-A-Bear, plus a reasonable amount for shipping. After wise counsel from friends, I decided to tell Natalie the truth.
Me: No, the store does not have the tan Hello Kitty. I can order you one on Ebay, but it will cost you extra. 75 tokens. 50 tokens for the Hello Kitty + 25 for shipping Hello Kitty here. (I needed to buy some time to get Hello Kitty here from Hawaii)
Natalie: OK, OK, OK! Whatever Mommy, just get me the tan Hello Kitty!!!!!
Today she finally met her goal and I was so relieved to finally give it to her. Here is one of the numerous places, positions and arrangements she has made with her 3 Hello Kitty. She is currently sleeping with all three in the guest room. I'm glad it is a queen bed, otherwise they may not all fit.

Is that a genuine smile on Natalie or what??

Too bad Hello Kitty can't bust out a smile...
Seriously, why doesn't Hello Kitty have a mouth?