do not want to give credit to where I took the kids for lunch, but it was a place where they could play and not burn the top layer of skin off their legs. I just found it interesting that this sign was posted on the play area. Really? They expect 3 to 10 year olds not to climb (in the play place, how would you get to the top to slide down?), run (how else does a 3 year old get from place to place?) or yell (is their another decibel level to communicate your excitement when you are a toddler?)??? Let me tell you, this was the loudest eating and playing place I have been to in a while. I am seriously thinking about packing ear plugs to put in my ears next time. The refreshing thing was that the extreme noise did not come from my children... now that's a first!
AHHHH! Sibling love!!!
(Cooper was seeing a movie with my mom.)
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