Friday, May 30, 2008

Road Trip

Driving in an SUV for 10 hours with 3 preschoolers ... sound like fun or torture? On the way up to Kansas, it was somewhere in between. On the way back home, however, it was definitely the latter. Between the bouts of screaming/squealing from Luke to the random crying from Natalie, it was enough to want to plug in my iPod and zone out. (I tried, it didn't work.) It was too wet from all the rain to play at the rest stops, so the kids were going bonkers not getting to blow off some energy. We stopped at one McDonald's that had a play area (can you believe that some McD's do NOT have a play area?) and let them run themselves silly. Then we discovered that the McDonald's had a "Red Box", where you rent movies for $1! Kid movies, adult movies, everything. Then you return it to the next McDonald's (or place with a "Red Box") when you are done with it. We rented Alvin and the Chipmunks for Cooper and tried to rent Mariposa for Natalie, but they were out of inventory for that one. What a deal!! $1 !!!! WOW!

The best traveler? Cooper! He is a great traveler, aside from trying to stump you with 100 questions, he did awesome. He sat in the very back with own DVD player, coloring desk and a some coloring books. He entertained himself (not at the expense of his siblings) and was quiet most of the time. John and I were pleasantly surprised with how he did.

This, however, is the best part of the road trip:

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