Is she stylin' or what?
Monday, June 30, 2008
GIRL Time!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Somedays are a Decathlon
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Simple Things That I Appreciate
Friday, June 27, 2008
Camp Thurman
I gave him a disposable camera to take pictures of the fort, his friends, the skit, the pool and whatever else he wanted to remember. Well, I guess he wanted to remember the skit the most because he took 19 pictures of it! I felt like I was right there...
Vacation Bible School - Round II
More Swim Thursday Fun!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Juggling Time
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Laundry - The Ongoing Saga
Here's some of the issues that make laundry so fun:
*John likes the whites to be bleached. OK. However, I have learned, through experience, not to bleach the towels that I take to the gym to wipe my sweat. Bleach + Sweat = Super stink SO, that means I have to sub sort the whites into bleach-able and non-bleach-able.
*John does not like his t-shirts to be thrown in the dryer. I can respect that because I do not like my workout shorts or sports tops to go in the dryer either. Therefore, I have to sub sort the colors into dry-able and hang-up-only. (Then I have to actually hang up those clothes under a fan for minimum 12 hours)
*The kids' hamper ends up so full, it makes 2-3 loads in less than a week! (Lights or darks are about as sub sort as those get.)
*Also, there are 4 beds of sheets to wash each week as well. Not a big deal, just 2 more loads to work into the mix...
*Now that it is summer, I am washing towels and bathing suits every day, because we swim every day, if not twice a day. (I do not like chlorine to sit in either of those items) We take 3-4 towels to the pool each time and wear 5-8 bathing suits a day. I know a bit extreme, but all in the name of fun for the summer, right?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What Can Happen in a Minute?
Back to the question, what could happen in that brief span of time? Let me list the things that can occur if you have a curious 2 year old, clever 4 year old and dominating 5 year old:
*a child could decide that they are going to make egg whites; all by himself. Open the refrigerator, get an egg out, get a pan out, crack the egg on the pan, FREAK out and throw as much of the shell and what is left into the pan, then run to the hallway, take off the shirt with egg all over it, put on a PJ top (who'd notice in the middle of the day?) and casually walk into my room as if nothing happened. Here's what I found along with the refrigerator door still open and egg yolk ALL down the dishwasher and pooled on the floor. I must say I am impressed that he did get the egg white in the pan and the yolk... well, not in the pan. (LUKE)
*someone could decide that they are going to play 'dress up' and dress the 2 year old (boy) in a velvet top and velvet skirt. (John really frowns on this.) (Cooper and Natalie)
*a child could decide that he needs to get naked right now and strip his clothes off and get back to sitting down as if nothing ever happened. The fun part is trying to find where he put his clothes... (Luke)
*someone could decide that they would scrub the carpet with toothpaste to get it clean... yes, the toothpaste is still there and it is still not clean. (Cooper and Natalie)
*a child could decide to wash the pen marks (that he put there) off of his legs by getting up into the sink and flooding the whole bathroom. (LUKE)
*a child could decide that they are going to 'wash' their dolls' hair, body and clothes in the bathroom sink. (Natalie) (Anytime my children use water without supervision=trouble.)
*a child could decide to unroll a whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet because 'it just kept rolling, mommy!' (Luke)
*a child could decide that what she is wearing is NOT her favorite outfit and go change in 14 seconds flat and be back sitting down, leaving me to wonder if I just thought she had a dress on earlier or if she has been wearing capris all along. (Natalie)
*a child could decide that they are going to eat the Nestle Quik (powder) straight out of the container with a spoon. And that this should take place underneath the dining room table. (Luke)
These are all things that when I see the end result, I think:
How in the world did they manage to do that so fast?
Swim Thursday
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Vacation Bible School
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Car Conversations
Cooper: Mommy, where is my pencil?
Natalie: Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: No, I did not!
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: I did not Mommy! What are you talking about Natalie?
Natalie: You. Shot. Me. With your pencil.
Cooper: No, I did NOT. When?
Natalie: You shot me with your pencil when we were playing doctor. You know, like how a doctor gives a shot?
Cooper: Oh, yea, I did. So?
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper's pencil is in the other car. What is 9 + 8?
(She is Queen of Random!)
Here's what happens when Luke tries to get in on all the talking:
Luke: La-li tha her thu!
Natalie: Be quiet LUKE.
Luke: Mommy! Mommy! Mommmm-mee!
Natalie: Nu-uh mommy.
Luke: Mommy, La-li thuck her thumb!! Top it, La-li!!
Natalie: Luke, you're not the boss of me!
(Luke loves to tattle on Natalie about sucking her thumb.)
Yes, we are working on ceasing this habit, but it is difficult. That will be another post some day, I'm sure.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day 2008
The first picture is at Cabela's (isn't that where you celebrate Father's Day?). I thought the yaks in the background was a nice touch!
The bottom picture was actually taken Saturday night, because Cooper wanted 'big cookie' for dessert!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Fishing at Pa-pa and Weezie's
Once it started raining, the kids kind of went nuts, running around the house making all sorts of noise. The kind of noise where you start counting kids, because surely 3 kids could not make that much noise??
Friday, June 13, 2008
Story time at The Ballpark
We went to story time at the Ballpark today. They have it once a month, but we only go every other month, if that. It is quite an undertaking: packing the lunch, remembering the 2 for 1 coupon, getting there on time all the while coaching the kids on behaving and listening.
The storyteller, Ms. Anna, is very patient and encourages the kids to talk and answer her questions about baseball. Cooper and Natalie did great... Luke, well, we need some more practice on attending story times. That boy just can't sit still! Thank goodness there was a place for him to run around without bothering anyone or being out of my sight. After the story, the kids all do a craft. Crafts. Have I ranted about crafts before? I guess I missed the class in college (Kid's Crafts 101?) that taught you how to glue stuff together perfectly, tie things in perfect knots, wrap things tightly, manipulate glue sticks, etc. Crafts can make me feel so inept as a mother. Trying to make a Curious George out of foam, pipe cleaners and a glue stick was quite a challenge today. Especially when all three children are positive they do not need any of my help, but scream when it falls into 9 pieces... here's the finished product:
After that, we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the Home Run Porch!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Pump It Up