We went out to my dad's today to c

elebrate Father's Day early. The kids
LOVE it out there. They have a huge pond with lots of fish, frogs, turtle, ducks and geese. So many fun things to see and feed! We brought 3 little fishing poles and set out to catch some swimming critters. It is quite cute to see the 2 year old reel in a fish only slightly bigger than his hand. Cooper was a pro this time, reeling in fish after fish after fish. He was not a big fan of actually holding the fish, only if he held it by the string. Natalie caught a few and decided she was
all done and just wanted to play with

inside. The fish were good sports, they played the game of jumping on the line within a minute of each time the kids would drop it into the water. After the fishing expedition, Pa-pa and the boys set out for a tour around the pond in the golf cart. Natalie entertained Weezie with her backpack and all its wonderful contents.

Once it started raining, the kids kind of went nuts, running around the house making all sorts of noise. The kind of noise where you start counting kids, because surely 3 kids could
not make
that much noise??
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