The car (really SUV) is the location of many interesting conversations between the children. Here is a snippet:
Cooper: Mommy, where is my pencil?
Natalie: Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: No, I did not!
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: I did not Mommy! What are you talking about Natalie?
Natalie: You. Shot. Me. With your pencil.
Cooper: No, I did NOT. When?
Natalie: You shot me with your pencil when we were playing doctor. You know, like how a doctor gives a shot?
Cooper: Oh, yea, I did. So?
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper's pencil is in the other car. What is 9 + 8?
(She is Queen of Random!)

Here's what happens when Luke tries to get in on all the talking:
Luke: La-li tha her thu!
Natalie: Be quiet LUKE.
Luke: Mommy! Mommy! Mommmm-mee!
Natalie: Nu-uh mommy.
Luke: Mommy, La-li thuck her thumb!! Top it, La-li!!
Natalie: Luke, you're not the boss of me!
(Luke loves to tattle on Natalie about sucking her thumb.)
Yes, we are working on ceasing this habit, but it is difficult. That will be another post some day, I'm sure.
Cooper: Mommy, where is my pencil?
Natalie: Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: No, I did not!
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper shot me with his pencil.
Cooper: I did not Mommy! What are you talking about Natalie?
Natalie: You. Shot. Me. With your pencil.
Cooper: No, I did NOT. When?
Natalie: You shot me with your pencil when we were playing doctor. You know, like how a doctor gives a shot?
Cooper: Oh, yea, I did. So?
Natalie: Mommy, Cooper's pencil is in the other car. What is 9 + 8?
(She is Queen of Random!)
Here's what happens when Luke tries to get in on all the talking:
Luke: La-li tha her thu!
Natalie: Be quiet LUKE.
Luke: Mommy! Mommy! Mommmm-mee!
Natalie: Nu-uh mommy.
Luke: Mommy, La-li thuck her thumb!! Top it, La-li!!
Natalie: Luke, you're not the boss of me!
(Luke loves to tattle on Natalie about sucking her thumb.)
Yes, we are working on ceasing this habit, but it is difficult. That will be another post some day, I'm sure.
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