One of my best girlfriends graciously opens her house, pool and refrigerator to us every Thursday of the summer. Seriously. She has it scheduled on her blackberry and clears out of the office early on Thursday so everyone who wants to can all have fun swimming, playing and laughing. Once the shade completely envelopes the pool, we clear out and get to eating. (Why does swimming make you hungry enough to eat an elephant?)
It is such a great time and my kids ask every day, "Is today Swim Thursday?" They know they are guaranteed a grand time with Ms. Mary, Scout and 3-10 extra playmates! Thank you for sharing your oasis with us, Mary!
1 comment:
I LOVE your kids and I LOVE that ya'll come to swim thursdays!! That Luke has no fear. You have to keep both eyes on that one at all times. Scout is already asking about getting Luke hugs this week.
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