This is the name of the birthday place that we went to
today. I cannot believe I am saying this, but for right now, I am tired of birthday parties. I'm sure I could blame it on the fact that I only got a 29 minute nap (hardly worth the effort) or going to a party where you do not know hardly anyone. I was not feeling particularly social, so I was incredibly bored
and tired. I think Cooper was just flat wore out from this whole weekend's litany of activities; he even sat down to take a break. I know, I thought he might be ill. No, I think he was just tired and needed a nap. His body knew this, but his brain just will not give in to that notion.

After some delicious icing (
who eats the cake?), we departed before the gift opening started. I really wanted to get home to catch another tiny nap while also avoiding any potential meltdown that could occur when Cooper saw his friend opening presents that he does not/will not have. I thought that was pretty strategic on my part!

What's the fun in this??
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