We went to one of my favorite parks not too far from our house this morning. I had called Jamie to see if they would like to play and have a picnic. While we were there, Natalie saw her friend Lillian, from preschool, so they all got to play together. Funny thing, Lillian's mom asked me, "How much longer are you going to be here?" I thought, stuttered, sputtered and realized that I did not have an answer for her. I just kind of mumbled, "Oh, a while longer...." Is that a little too vague or what??? Really, what I should have said is, "We'll stay here until Natalie throws one of her meltdown fits, then we'll be leaving shortly thereafter."

In all actuality, Natalie did not reach that point until we were getting in the car to leave.
ATTAgirl!!! Of all times to hit the limit, getting into the car would be the perfect time.

After playing for an hour and half, we all lined up under the pavilion and commenced to eating our picnic lunches. Of course, we are all talking about where we were able to find different components of our children's lunch.
(This is important stuff!) All the while, the kiddos are scarfing down their food so they could get back to serious playing.
This was definitely one of

our more pleasant o

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