Thursday, July 24, 2008
Watermelon Swim Thursday
Picnic by the Pool
Here is a picture of the 4 families - yes, there are 4 adults and 11 kids (one didn't get near enough to the pool). It looks like were the teachers of a day care field trip. Nope, they are all biological children of the women you see pictured!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Longhorn Geena
I'll let you guess how loud it was!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I Love Chik*Fil*A !!!
This is the chant that I have taught my kids to sing instead of that other place that has a play area with food that grosses me out. I LOVE CHICK*FIL*A!!! The kids love it, I love it; John doesn't love it. He thinks it is overpriced...well, when you are actually eating chicken breast versus questionable chicken parts, you have to pay for it. .JPG)
Here's my complicated order every time I go to Chick*Fil*A: 3 kids meals, 4 count each, 2 chocolate milks, 1 regular milk, 2 with fruit and 1 with fries, 1 char-grilled sandwich with no tomato and a small sweet tea. Usually I only have to repeat myself 3 times before they get it right. Then we all sit down with 4 ketchups, 5 honey roasted BBQ sauce, 3 forks and 23 napkins. After a good 10 minutes of prep work to get everything sitting out in front of everyone then we eat. Today Luke said the prayer, which was really cute. He mumbles a few words, throws in a 'Jesus', 'thank you', 'food' and a really loud AMEN! After everyone eats, I let them dive into the fruit, sharing the 2 containers 3 ways. You would think that is their dessert (actually, it is). They devour all of it then beg to play. My response? Great, go play! Wear yourselves out and take good naps! (And they did; I had to wake them up at 4:35 to go to the gym! )
Here's my complicated order every time I go to Chick*Fil*A: 3 kids meals, 4 count each, 2 chocolate milks, 1 regular milk, 2 with fruit and 1 with fries, 1 char-grilled sandwich with no tomato and a small sweet tea. Usually I only have to repeat myself 3 times before they get it right. Then we all sit down with 4 ketchups, 5 honey roasted BBQ sauce, 3 forks and 23 napkins. After a good 10 minutes of prep work to get everything sitting out in front of everyone then we eat. Today Luke said the prayer, which was really cute. He mumbles a few words, throws in a 'Jesus', 'thank you', 'food' and a really loud AMEN! After everyone eats, I let them dive into the fruit, sharing the 2 containers 3 ways. You would think that is their dessert (actually, it is). They devour all of it then beg to play. My response? Great, go play! Wear yourselves out and take good naps! (And they did; I had to wake them up at 4:35 to go to the gym! )
Monday, July 21, 2008
Girl Time at NRH2O

Me and my baby girl!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Swimming with Grandad
A PotLuck Lunch
Other things that you might see at a potluck? Friends you don't see very often, a baby that everyone wants to hold and a fantastic group of people that are known as the Little Community Group. We started this community group in late 2003 with 4-5 families. Now I think there are probably over 100 people that are a part of this group. :>)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
High Flying Birthday Party
After 2 hours of fun, the party concluded, but not our kiddos. They stayed wound up for another couple of hours, lucky us. It's hard to pinpoint exactly our function in life---parenting or refereeing? Tonight it was refereeing...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Little Legend Storytime
We went outside and ate our lunch on the 'Home Run Porch' and tried not to sweat too much. Ms. Anna tried to get a game of catch going for the kids, but when they only stand 3 feet apart there just isn't much success. We opted to continue the fun by going upstairs to the Little Legends Museum. There are such cool things to do up there for kids! Cooper and Natalie played like they had never been up there and after an hour I called it good. It's always good to leave before a meltdown occurs.
(Luke stayed at home to play with Erin, from across the street.)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Cooper Wisdom
- "Yes, Luke. The first time I saw that it was new to me too!"
- "If we don't walk all the way to the pool, we won't get to swim."
- "Your shoes will get wet if you step in the pool with them on."
- "Oh no! Is that the sun again?!?"
- "Mommy, can you open the door? I am full of hands."
Silly Swim Thursdays
I need to point out that there were 7 kids and 2 adults that swam and were already leaving by the time we arrived! This Swim Thursday thing is getting around!!
And here's a picture of someone not having fun:
(he pushed Natalie off the diving board)
"I sorry, mi Ma-ee!!!"
More Morgan Fun
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Things that Make me Cringe
*Wet socks
*Old bananas
*Insects that bite or sting
*Lack of preparation
*Being splashed
*Empty gas tank
*Kleenex that even appears to be used
*Being cold
*The unknown
*Stinky trash
*Someone else's sweat on workout machines
*Curdled milk in a sippy cup
*The phone ringing during nap time
*Sniff test - if it's on the ground, it gets a one way ticket to the laundry basket.
*Cigarette smoke
*Sweaty workout clothes after 2 days of sitting in a workout bag
*Stepping on anything wet or squishy and not knowing the origin of it
*Stepping on a lego in the middle of the night (or anytime)
*Sitting in traffic
No real reason for this picture. I just thought it was a fun shot that John caught when we were in Kansas a few months ago.
Here are some of the things that Luke says that are so funny. Especially knowing that in 6 months or so, he probably will not be speaking like this. He has a hard time with the "S" sound, so there is a lot of 'th' where there might usually be an 's'. He tries so hard to talk as much as Cooper and Natalie, but they are in a league of their own right now...
- After giving him some yucky medicine: "I not like that, Da-dee!"
- On being sick and discussing a trip to the pediatrician: "I OK, I not need to go. I OK, Mom-ee!"
- After we get to the pediatrician: "I like dot-dot Raine. Me not need th-ot."
- On finding a mess on the floor that he obviously made: "I not know why methhh. I not know why!"
- When asked if he needs to go potty: "I did went!"
- On swimming: "I like th-wim! I like th-wim and th-lide!"
- On the subject of going to bed: "I not want to!"
- When Mary comes over: "I go wit you Mi Ma-ee? I go your hou-th and th-ee Scout? I like Scout! I go wit you!"
- First thing when he wakes up in the morning: "Chlauc-mil please! Chlauc-mil please!"
- Tattling on Natalie: "Lat-o-lee th-uck her thumb!"
- Right after crying: "Cooper did hit me! I tell him no!"
- After making me upset: "I th-orry Mom-ee! I give you ki-th. I make you happy???"
Natalie's First Dentist Visit
Dr. Shadle is an awesome dentist for adults and even more so for little ones. He talks to them so patiently like he has all the time in the world. He is so wonderful! Natalie did so good, answering questions, letting him count her teeth (20!) and telling him all about how we floss every night. (Thanks for making me look good, Natalie!) I told him how she has stopped sucking h
er thumb and that received a big kudos for her! Overall, I could not have been more pleased with how well she did. In fact, we did a 'Build-a-Bear reward trip' and here is her new pink leopard:
"Anna Banana"
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