Natalie's room (that Luke sleeps in) is about the only room I can move more than one object around, so I chose to do that room today. It started out innocently enough: Luke had wet the bed so I had to change the sheets and mattress pad. No big deal. Then I decided I wanted to find a missing shoe. Soon I was pulling the bed across the room so I could vacuum under it. After picking up 18 band aids, 14 various sizes of balls, 25 polly pocket pieces and 7 unmatched shoes, I knew I needed to finish the job. I tried 3 different arrangements, at one point having the bed and toy box sitting diagonal. That was a little over the top for John, so now the bed just juts out like a peninsula waiting to tag my knee when I go to check on Luke in the middle of the night. After all the major moving, I cleaned off the 7 feet of clean clothes off of the other bed in the room, hung up 22 dresses and proceeded to organize all the books (by size). I think I'll take a picture...since it probably won't stay that way for more than 1.2 hours. Luke was pretty excited about the new placement of the furniture, but he was even more excited about the new sheets on the bed. So excited in fact, that he told people at the pool all about his new sheets... 

(Luke's 'big boy bed' & the other bed that tends to accumulate things)
By the way, my dad made these beds for the kids.
(He also made a changing table, 2 cribs, 2 kid-size chairs, 4 toy boxes and a puzzle box.)

Thank you Daddy!
Hey, I can see the floor :-)
Definitely a rarity. At least I now have proof that it exists...
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