Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things that Make me Cringe

*Wet socks
*Old bananas
*Insects that bite or sting
*Lack of preparation
*Being splashed
*Empty gas tank
*Kleenex that even appears to be used
*Being cold
*The unknown
*Stinky trash
*Someone else's sweat on workout machines
*Curdled milk in a sippy cup
*The phone ringing during nap time
*Sniff test - if it's on the ground, it gets a one way ticket to the laundry basket.
*Cigarette smoke
*Sweaty workout clothes after 2 days of sitting in a workout bag
*Horror movies
*Stepping on anything wet or squishy and not knowing the origin of it
*Stepping on a lego in the middle of the night (or anytime)
*Sitting in traffic
No real reason for this picture. I just thought it was a fun shot that John caught when we were in Kansas a few months ago.


Kirsten Foti said...

Tess puked in the car the other day. Guess it's a good thing you were not there!

Welcome To My Loud Life said...

NO kidding! I don't even do so good when it is my own puke!! :>)