Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cooper Wisdom

Cooper likes to impart his wisdom of 5.8 years every now and then. Here is a snippet of some funny and profound things he comes up with:

  • "Yes, Luke. The first time I saw that it was new to me too!"

  • "If we don't walk all the way to the pool, we won't get to swim."

  • "Your shoes will get wet if you step in the pool with them on."

  • "Oh no! Is that the sun again?!?"

  • "Mommy, can you open the door? I am full of hands."

  • "Natalie, you can't read my mind. You don't even know how to read yet."

  • Speaking to Kirsten: "No, there are not invisible people. I cannot see the invisible people, so they are not here."


Kirsten Foti said...

YES! My conversation made it to the blog!

Welcome To My Loud Life said...

I thought that was the funniest one! He was very adamant that they couldn't be there...