It is Thursday so we headed over to Mary's house after nap for Swim Thursday. The adults were out-numbered today. (As we are most days!) I think I counted 14 kids in the pool and only 4 of us adults in the pool. Lots of leaping off the diving board, noodle toodling and shoulder jumping. We even took a group picture, which is a challenge, trying to squeeze everyone in together without accidentally drowning a small child or two. (
Everyone survived. )
I need to point out that there were 7 kids and 2 adults that swam and were already leaving by the time we arrived! This Swim Thursday thing is getting around!!

Oh and here is a picture of the prep work it takes to get into the pool. Lots of conditioner to protect our hair from the chlorine.
Team work gets the job done!
And here's a picture of someone not having fun:
(he pushed Natalie off the diving board)

"I sorry, mi Ma-ee!!!"
Okay, the comments of me scolding Luke made me laugh out loud. Mostly because I could totally hear him saying "I sorry, mi Ma-ee" I just love to hear him talk. You know there were 4 more kids here that left before you whipped out the camera. AND there was actually a dog with his own life jacket. That was worth busting out my own camera, but I was busy with the AC guy :-( I'm sorry I missed that opportunity...
Love the pics!
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