Saturday, April 5, 2008

Too Busy...

I think I really need to slow down. Really. Last night not only my husband, but also my mom both told me (completely separate and did not conspire to coordinate their times) I have been too busy and I should consider doing less. Doing less? What is that? We just started the sports circus of practices, games and such for Natalie's Soccer and Cooper's T-ball. Then there are the various other activities that go hand-in-hand with having 3 preschoolers (birthday parties, field trips, playdates, storytimes, etc.) Plus my year of provisional stuff. I start my new job (part-time) on the 14th. I did just finish up Bible Study, but that is the very last thing I should give up. It is easy to get wrapped up in 'doing it all' for the kiddos, but even easier to lose yourself completely in all the busy-ness. I'm not complaining, just more trying maintain my identity, which extends further than my 3 carseat toting vehicle.

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