Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another New Park

I have seen this particular park driving to and from Cooper's school from time to time, but I never made a special effort to take the kids there. Today, I worked out earlier in the day so after Beach Club I could take the kids to a park. (Since it gets dark so ridiculously early now!)
We went to this 'best kept' secret park that is hiding in plain sight. The kids had such a good time there! It's funny how exciting new playground equipment can be, when really it is the same stuff, just in different configurations and colors.

Cooper wanted to demonstrate his 'fly-off with a half twist' skill that he has been perfecting on the swings at school. Natalie wanted to show me her front flip on every horizontal bar that she could climb up to. Then there was the 'cylinder walk' that both had to try along with the 'shaky bridge walk' and the 'fireman pole slide'. Lots of fun to be had at a 'new' park! Cooper wanted to go on an adventure walk while Natalie was content to stay at the park and keep playing. I bribed her with the promise that I would let her take a picture with my camera. That worked. She was skipping by the time we got to the first tree. After I let each child take 3 pictures each, we were back at the park. I was OK for another 5 minutes before it was so cold that I felt like my nose was going to fall off. Cooper kept encouraging me to put on my hood, as if that would keep my nose from being cold. I finally made the 'who wants to go eat?' announcement and they were running to the car in no time flat!

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