Today we everyone over for 'Thanksgiving' and to celebrate Daddy and Louise's birthday. John was up at 5am to put the 22 lb. turkey in the oven. He waited until 7am to wake me up to start the cleaning. It was not THAT bad, just a lot of relocating piles of paperwork. I
LOVE having both the breakfast and dining room table clean, but it is so HARD to keep them clean. It is almost like if it is a horizontal surface and easily accessible, then it will collect paperwork, which will get turned into a pile, which will morph into
more and
more multiple piles. I have tried so many different systems, tactics and strategies to prevent the 'paperwork pileup'.

Nothing seems to work. One of these days I'll figure it all out and have a spotless house like my mom's...

I digress. Back to the food feast. John made the turkey, 10 lbs. of smashed potatoes, roasted sweet potato tidbits, stuffing, homemade gravy and some rolls from Costco. My mom brought the green bean casserole (which always tastes
significantly better than when I make it) and Louise brought some little muffins, a pecan pie and this frozen dessert that is
barvsha dovsha (meaning very good in polish).
AND to top it all off, we had a huge happy birthday cake from Costco. Yea, I'm still full.

The kids were acting a little nutty the whole time everyone was here. I do not really know why, except they just seem to have too much energy! (
Have I said this before?) Anytime my dad comes to visit they identify him as their own personal jungle gym and acrobat.

He swings them, piggy back carries them, rolls them, flips them, you name it! I do not know who loves it more: him or them? They just
eat up all the physical attention that he gives them. I'm sure after he leaves our house he needs a nap
AND a hot tub!
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