My second workshift was the exact same as last year, ticket sales/will call. It is an easy one, however you must bring an extra package of patience and tolerance tucked in your back pocket. Most people are pleasant and maybe even jovial. On the other hand, there are a select few that, by nature, (
mmm...how do I say this?) are not
nice. They may ask for something, then when you cannot get it, they get all huffy and upset. It's almost like they have a skewed sense of entitlment.

or instance, 2 moms came up and wanted to get into the market
"We are here to watch our children in the show choir and so could you just give us a ticket to get in?"
"Umm, no."
"Well, we've been coming here 7 years and we always get in free, so why can't we get in free?"
Umm, because you don't have a ticket?
So we radioed the Master Ticket girl and she told us that the director of each group performing had the tickets on their person. Well, the moms did not like that answer, but at least it got us off the hook. Turns out, the director did have the tickets and the ladies got in to see their children perform without any further duress. Thank goodness, imminent tragedy avoided!

After 4 hours of this kind of fun, I was all done with my Holiday Magic work obligation. The
real fun begins when I get to go back in the afternoon for Cupcake and Cocoa with Santa and 3 excited children!
Mary as the official DOOR CONTROL! ->
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