John wants to cook for his birthday party. He wants to cook ribs, brisket, chicken or whatever kind of meat to serve to the folks who come. Yea, that is just great. However,
how is he going to cook that much food? He wondered this himself, until he decided that he wanted a new cooker. It progressed from buying one, to pricing how much it would be to have one custom made, to trying to design one himself to have my dad make to my dad giving him his monstrous cooker that he built a few years ago. To John's delight, my dad drove it up today on a trailer. You know a cooker is big when you have to put it on its own trailer. (A trailer that my dad
My dad can build anything!)
Here it is in all it's glory. John will be 'testing' it out tomorrow evening, much to the enjoyment of the neighborhood's olfactory senses!
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