Imagine my surprise today when, low and behold, on our porch was a package from Uncle Miltons. (The company that makes the ant farms.) I left it out there so Cooper would get to retrieve it. Oddly enough, he asked when he got home if his ants were ever going to be here. I explained how I sent off for them, they could not send them because of how hot it was here and that any day they should be here.
- Me: Do you want to see if they are here?
- Cooper: SURE mommy!Where would they be?
- Me: Check the porch, then the mailbox.
- Cooper: HEY! LOOK MOMMY! THERE IS A BOX FOR ME- ME!!!! Is it the ants??
- Me: Let's open it and see! :>)
After we opened them, Cooper wanted me to read ALL of the directions out loud. You would think that putting ants into an ant farm would require a lot of instructions? Nope, I guess not. There were 2 instructions. The first one was to put the ants in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for 15 minutes. This would calm them down and make it easier to get them into the container. We must have had some Alaskan ants, because they needed 20 minutes to calm down! Once they all seemed to be asleep, I tried to pour them into the container. It was not as easy as I thought it should have been! I dropped over half of them on the floor and my leg. At this point the kids are screaming, yelling,
ducking for cover and trying to crawl up to the ceiling. You would think I had dropped cobras all over the floor they way they were carrying on. After I finally got all of the ants in the farm (without killing any), I earned the Cool Mom of the Day award. Cooper could not believe that I had actually touched the ants and lived to tell about it.
He is quite proud of his now-complete ant farm!
1 comment:
Alaskan ants! I love it!
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