My friend's husband was doing a little (OK A LOT) of flipping, so
I just had to join in the fun. He was doing double back flips, gainers and double front flips off this smaller trampoline that allowed you to land in a pit of foam cushions. I tried to do a double back, but fear kicked in and I could only do a back and a half. After I got my nerve up again, I tried a double front flip. WHOO-HOO! I DID IT! I did a double front flip! I have not done one of those in at least 20, did I really just say that? It was so fun that I wanted to do it again. I thought that I should have a picture of it, you know, just to document that after the age of 30, I was able to do this little feat. Well, I got a picture all right. I will not be posting it because it is a little scary. I am tucked up tight and have my eyes closed tight and it is just not a pretty picture. I will post a picture of me doing a back flip though! I could do those all day! Back tucks, back layouts, back with a half twist, back pike, you name it!
Natalie and Luke had a lot of fun. I am thinking we really need to get Natalie into gymnastics soon because she is a natural. She can jump pretty high on the trampoline, flip around on the parallel bars like no big deal and walk on the beam confidently. She also has lean muscles that could eventually look like Nastasia Liukin if she were to pursue this sport. 
Luke, my fearless one, played in the ball pit almost half of the time. After that he palled around with Natalie, tackling every piece of apparatus that they had by climbing over, under and through all of them. It is just so cute to see them hold hands and run together, jump on the trampoline together and just be nice to each other. This was one of the FUNNEST birthday parties that we have ever been to!
where is this?
Yeah, I would like to know where this place is AND seeing the double front flip!
Love reading your posts April. You're a blessing :)
This is Trevino's Gymnastics in Lancaster. Right off of I-35 and Bear Creek. They are currently building a new facility, but I do not know the completion date.
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