Cooper warming up, with his water bottle in hand!
All I can say is, I think Cooper is a product of his parents. John and I are both extremely competitive. Seriously, we both love to win whatever we are playing. Whether it is a triathlon, a 5k, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit or whatever: we like to win. OK, it is imperative that we win. That is the reason why John cannot play recreational softball. He would not be able to handle it if guys we goofing off and not taking the game seriously.
Cooper, at his first soccer practice today, is a natural. I'm not trying to be the proud parent and just be biased. He is good. He played goalie and he stopped over 50% of the balls that were kicked to him. He was diving on the ground as well as taking them in the chest. He did a great job! Then, once they started scrimmaging, he was all Mr. Rough and Tough. He was stealing the ball, elbowing and tackling (not really allowed in soccer). He told John,"I just wanted to get the ball!". OK, but how about not take out your teammates to do that?
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