Sunday, September 21, 2008

Signing the Songs

I volunteer in the deaf ministry and sign the worship songs at church every other week. Usually I receive the worship/order song pack on Tuesday or Wednesday before the Sunday that I sign. That way I will have time to translate (if necessary) and practice the songs, so I am more familiar with them. Sometimes I am really on top of things and print all the pages of music out as soon as I get them and start practicing early. Other times, I print out all the pages immediately and they sit in my printer tray until Saturday, in which I end up exclaiming, "AHHHH!". That means I will be up super late Saturday night practicing the songs from the or I am always amazed at how long songs really are. Most of the ones I practice are 5-7 minutes. Good-NESS! Since we sing 6-8 songs each Sunday, that is a good 2 hours of practice (reviewing each song twice).
All this to say, last night I was prepared. I had all but 1 song translated. After finishing it, I practiced and actually felt like I was ready. However, after the message, the words to the next song flashed up on our 'special' little screen and it wasn't one of the ones I had on my sheet! Thank goodness Laura stepped up and took over. I'm sure the look of sheer panic on my face was not a pleasant sight! I do OK when I know what is coming up, but I am not so good at improvising. Oh well, I can only keep working on improving...
~My #1 reference book!~

1 comment:

da momma said...

cool websites! Ill chk em out! maybe someday Ill bebrave enough to join you up there :)