A group of women invited to gather at 7pm on Wednesday night to play Pokeno. Be there or be squared.
OK, so we really did not play Pokeno. We were going to, really. Slight glitch, no actual Pokeno game to play. The hostess' husband drove to 9 stores to find the pokeno game for us to play. No game. The man went to 2 Targets, 2 Wal-marts, Minyards, Albertsons, Toys R Us, Kohl's and some other store I cannot recall. No luck, no pokeno, but a room full of women that think he has hung the moon.
Instead, we chit-chatted about a little of everything and nothing in particular, then we got down to business and played L*C*R. It is a pretty intense game with 3 dice and whole bunch of pennies. Hey, as long as I leave with a gift, I don't care what we play.
We all are supposed to bring some snack. A-L something salty, M-Z something sweet. I do not have the nerve to ask if the alphabet designation is referencing first or last names, so I just bring whatever, since I am on both sides. I made sopapilla pie, a recipe that I got from my very fit friend, Susan. If I could post a picture of her, I would because you would never guess that she could make something this fatteningly wonderful. Anyway, she wrote down the recipe for me at the gym. I went to the store the next day, so I could make it for our little gathering tonight. Let me tell you, I would do do 4 hours of cardio, if it meant I could eat that whole wonderful pan of goodness. WOW! It was so good, I had to tie my shoestrings to the chair to keep myself from getting up and consuming the whole container. Not to brag, but it was really good. Thanks, Susan!
My wonderful mother came over to hang out with the kids, read a few books and put them to bed, so I could go across the street. Is she the best or what? I SO appreciate my mother and her willingness to let me have some time to be me. Thank you Mother!!!
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