I had nothing planned for the day. How wonderful is that? When is the last time that happened? My mom actually sounded concerned, "What? You do not have anything planned?
You always have something planned for the kids. What are you going to do?!?" So, after taking Gram and Grandad to the airport, we stopped by Quiktrip to potty and get a slushie for Luke and Natalie to share. How cute is this sharing? ->
After calling 2 friends to see if they wanted to get together and that not panning out, I thought we would just have an outdoor day. It was so beautiful outside! As soon as we got home, we unloaded and did not even go inside. The kids were digging in the dirt (not my favorite, but I'm trying to lighten up), playing lacrosse, coloring on the driveway with chalk and then a marathon game of baseball. Really, a game of me throw
the ball, they would swing and miss it, then go chase it to do it all over again. Natalie nailed a few of them, so she got to 'run' the bases: run to the chair, touch the tree, tag the bike and run into my car. LOADS of fun! After 88 at-bats, Luke finally got a hit and we celebrated like he had hit the winning homerun of the World Series! After 45 minutes of baseball, we headed out on an adventure walk. They both got to take a lollipop and Natalie brought the water. We walked all the way down to the pool and the long way home. We walked, skipped, tripped, hopped and ran over 2 miles! I was so proud of them that there was minimal crying! Luke dislikes the sun, so after a while he would fuss when he was in between shade trees too long. We stopped briefly at Jennifer's to climb a tree (and snap a picture of it) and continue home. Once we got back, Natalie exclaims, "WOW! I am EXHAUSTED! Luke do you know what exhausted means?"
After calling 2 friends to see if they wanted to get together and that not panning out, I thought we would just have an outdoor day. It was so beautiful outside! As soon as we got home, we unloaded and did not even go inside. The kids were digging in the dirt (not my favorite, but I'm trying to lighten up), playing lacrosse, coloring on the driveway with chalk and then a marathon game of baseball. Really, a game of me throw

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