Luke got to have some Gram and Grandad time, so that left Natalie and I headed for breakfast at IHOP, since that is her favorite morning place. We dropped Cooper off at school and headed straight there. After her 'smiley-face' pancake, she was ready to head to Target.
Not today, Natalie! She has such a strong Hello Kitty radar that she can almost see
through the shelves to spot something Hello Kitty that may be hidden. I did promise her a trip to Dollar Tree, since I needed to

get some party favor bags for Luke's upcoming birthday. I suggested storytime at the library, and she thought that would be a fantastic idea. After seeing her friend Kylie there, she was ready to sit down and enjoy the storytime with Ms. Dawn. It is so cute to see all the
little children sitting on their
little cushions, singing the songs with
little hand motions and listening to Ms. Dawn read 3
little books about airplanes. The last time I came was when Luke was an infant (at a particularly loud stage) and I vowed not to come back until everyone could be quiet and not embarass me. Today was the day for no embarrassment. Natalie had perfect behavior and even answered some of Ms. Dawn's questions. We had a great girl-time morning! :>)

After we picked up Luke, we stopped by Ms. Mary's office to drop off some pictures. She always seems to be able to make a treat or two materialize out of thin air, and sure enough...
I love ya'lls visits to the office. And I love that most of them are a surprise. They are a great break to my (lately real hectic) day. And the kids are always adorable! I love it how Luke is loving me calling him Slobber Box. He knows it's coming... he even asks me to call him that sometimes, and then he laughs like it's the first time he's heard it. It's a hoot!! :-)
hey! it's rhonda dees! i'm happy that i found your blog through facebook.
which story time do y'all go to? we sometimes go to the main library.
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