I was in my home office, on a conference call, with a product trainer in New Jersey. After we finished talking, I turned on the radio. I heard the DJ on 96.3 exclaim, "Oh my gosh! A plane just flew into the World Trade Center...what?" A minute later, the sidekick DJ exclaimed, "The other tower just got hit..." I immediately thought that this was Orson Wells act. A joke.
No way. A silly DJ prank that seemed a little too serious. I called John at work and told him what I had heard. He didn't believe it either. He told me to flip on the TV and if it was real, it would be on every station.
It was.
It was REAL. He quickly hung up with me. His whole office watched the catastrophe unwind on a 10" TV in their conference room.
I was mesmerized by the TV coverage, but I still had to work. I had a member of my district that was coming back from maternity leave (from having triplets) and she was co-traveling with me that day. She did not learn much. It was almost as if things shut down that day. The sky was completely empty of any aircraft. You could not talk about anything but the tragedy and what was to come. It made me realize how frivolous, mundane, even ridiculous my job was... I do not think I can ever forget that day.
Hay April!! I love seeing pics of your sweet family. I love Facebook too. It is a little addicting... Seven years ago I was 9 months pregnant with Seth. I remember it all too well. I won't ever forget it either. Thanks for posting.
I had just given birth to Tess the day before. 9/11 was her actual due date, and I was relieved that I was not giving birth that day, but I was also terrified about the world my daughter had just been born in to.
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