Have you ever had to do something over and over and dread it worse each time? That is how I felt about my job. It started out great. I loved my job, it was easy! I have now learned that easy does not correlate with fun or exciting. Easy gets boring. Easy is, by definition, not challenging. I did not feel challenged in the least. I LIKE to be challenged! I did not feel like I was educating, training or helping anyone. Bottom line: what I was doing was not changing the world, some one's life, or anything. I felt like I was wasting my time doing this silly job. I felt like I could really be making an impact with my children by being there for them (volunteering, field trips, eating lunch with them, etc.) John knew how miserable I was and gave me the green light to dissolve the business relationship with my employer. He realizes the importance of me being involved and connected with the kids' schools.

I am so blessed to have John!
A loving husband and devoted dad to our children!
1 comment:
So awesome to be a stay-at-home mom!
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