Once the game started, everyone seemed intense on these girls winning. It came to be known that the team they were playing was the previous team to 3 of our girls. "They must win" was what I heard a few parents say. I kind of think that every game, but it seemed to be imperative this game.
My little one was resting the first quarter, so I was just trying to get used to which way to point the flag when it went out of bounds. (It is more complicated than one might think!) By the time she started the play, I felt like I was ready to officiate World Cup Soccer (hehehe, not really). Natalie is not one of the more aggressive players. She does a good job staying with the group sometimes, but she is not going to be the standout who will run into a pack and kick it from everyone else. She has the speed (when she feels like it), but I have not seen the fierce competitiveness come out...yet. Maybe that is to come as she gets taller or maybe she will excel at a different sport. She has definitely gotten better about paying attention and not being afraid of being out there. I am very proud of her and the progress she has made thus far. We'll see how the season goes!

Not that we are supposed to keep score or anything, but our team won 3 to 0 !!!
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