A) beg them to do it,
B) bribe them into doing it or,
C) bargain your way into getting it done.
OK, maybe this just applies to how I have to deal with my kids.
Me: Cooper, get dressed, please. (DIRECTING)
Cooper: Why?
Me: Umm, because you are not going to school in pajamas?!?
Cooper: OK.
***10 minutes later*** (BARGAINING)
Me: Cooper, are you dressed yet?
Cooper: No.
Me: If you can get dressed in the next 3 minutes, you can get in the car first.
Cooper: OK!
***10 more minutes elapse*** (BEGGING)
Me: Cooper are you dressed yet?
Cooper: No. Can I have a treat if I get dressed?
Me: NO! Just get dressed PLEASE!
***7 minutes later*** (BRIBING)
Cooper: Look I'm dressed.
Me: Great. Now go make your hair nice.
Cooper: Can I have a treat?
Me: If you can make your hair nice and be sitting at the table in less than 3 minutes, you bet!
***1.5 minutes later*** (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!)
Cooper: Look Mom, I'm ready for my treat!
Me: Awesome, now eat your waffle and I'll get your treat...
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