I took Cooper to school this morning. Even though he was saying how his stomach hurt, I took him anyway. Well, I was back home for 15 minutes before the phone rang and the caller ID said that it was Cooper's school. Never a good thing. I answered and the nurse informed me that Cooper had puked and needed to be picked up. Alrighty then! Instead of taking the littler ones to school first, we went to pick up Cooper. That was an ordeal in and of itself. We finally get everyone loaded back in the car and head off to the preschool. Cooper is on Cloud 9 getting to see Ms. Darcy, Ms. Susan, Ms. Carly, everyone! Whoo-hoo it is a homecoming for him! I felt compelled to tell each teacher that he threw up, thus he could not be in school today (and to please not hug him, lest he give you the 'bug'). Cooper grew weary of this and asked me to 'quit spreading the word' about him throwing up, please'. I told him that I had to let people know what kind of sick he was so they would realize that it was legitimate that he was out of school.
Well, let me tell you, we had such a great day together. It is quite rare that I get him for 5 hours with no sibling tacked on. We just hung out, went to a few stores, let him pick out some toys for Luke and Natalie and then did a little bit of nothing so he could 'rest'.
He got a little tired of me saying, 'No, you cannot eat that, that will upset your tummy.' But, you know, I am not good with puke and I was not about to give him anything that would encourage another round of explosive...puke. He made it through the day without anymore incidents, so I think he is good to go back to school tomorrow morning...
He does not look so sick, does he?
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