Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What I Have Learned/Reaffirmed this Year

*I do not like blanket apologies.

*I could always be a better listener.

* I need to acquire more patience.

* I really like having my toes painted.

*Timeouts are just as stressful on the parent as the child sitting there.

* I will always be busy. No matter what.

* Men cannot multi-task.

* Carpooling is a good deal.

* 2 kids are exponentially easier than 3.

* I love queso.

*The house is usually very quiet after 10pm.

*I can get a LOT of things done after 10pm.
* I love to read good books.

*I am very blessed to have 3 healthy kids.
* I cannot stand to do laundry every day.
* I realize that I will NEVER be completely caught up with laundry!
* I love Facebook.

*It really hurts to be hit with anything thrown from the back seat of the SUV.

* I cannot please everyone, no matter how hard I try.

* Having friends is a necessity.

*Having GOOD friends is a blessing!

* It is not necessary to have a playdate if you do not enjoy the company.

*It takes a village when it comes to kids.


* Your gall bladder can be a painful organ if it is not functioning correctly.

* I love living in Texas because wearing shorts in December is fun.

* 3 year olds still need naps.

*36 year olds still need naps.

* I feel really bad when I totally miss someone's birthday.

* Being in pain can really put you in a foul mood.

*6 year olds can ask smoe very intuitive questions.

*Some people will never be happy, while there are others who will always be filled with joy despite the circumstances that they are facing.

*4 year old little girls are capable of 3-4 emotional fits a day. Or none at all.

* I have a really wonderful husband who loves me and cares for me.
* A miserable job = miserable mood.

* I should have bought stock in Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets years ago. (Natalie's consumption alone has driven their stock up 3 points.)

*3 year old boys are capable of mass destruction if they are left alone for more than 90 seconds. Sometimes less than that.

*Gnomes are fun. When you carry one around, you get asked a LOT of questions. People generally LIKE gnomes.

* A root canal is not so bad if you have a great oral surgeon.

* God really does care about me and my life. Even the small things, He cares.

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