At our church, they have 2 Christmas Eve services. One is the Candlelight service and one is the 'Family Friendly' service, which is a little lighter and forgiving if you have little ones. Typically during the Family Friendly service they have the 4 year olds reenact the nativity scene. I don't know how Cooper missed it when he was 4, but I wanted Natalie to be able to do it. We got the letter a few weeks ago and responded lickety split so she could be in it. She stated up front that she wanted to be an angel.
Why not Mary? Because I want to be an angel, mommy. OK.

The dress rehearsal was the day after my gall bladder surgery, so Mary was so kind to take her up there for it. Sure enough, they had assigned Natalie to be an 'angel'. How about that!
Today I took her up there early to get her costume, which included a white silk sheet with a hole for her head, some gold wings and a gold headdress/headband. She looked so cute! She was VERY serious about playing this part and would not speak to anyone (besides me) while she was in costume. Once she got up there she played her silent part exceptionally well. Now I know why the short people are not put on the top riser.
BECAUSE YOU CANNOT SEE THEM! If it was not for my friend Margi and her wackazuma camera, I would not have had any pictures of her up there. It was a combination of me being too short, my camera not having enough reach and Natalie strategically being right behind a tall girl whose wings completely blocked her.

Oh well, my friend Margi ALREADY e-mailed them to me so I can post them on here! Kudos to you MARGI!
I was very proud of my little nativity angel!
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