Monday, December 15, 2008


I like to be busy. I think I am afraid of being bored or worse, my children being bored. Not on my watch! It is my job to think of something FUN to do and implement it! However, I am grateful for days like today when I have absolutely nothing planned. It is like having a catch-up day to make up for the weekend craziness.

I need to go back and read my notes on a talk that our previous pastor's wife did on "Myth of the Supermom". What mother does not want to be SUPERMOM? I want to be everything to my children and for my children. I know that I really can't, but I feel like I should try as hard as I can. To raise the bar, so when I fall below it, I have still attained more than if the bar was not there at all. My problem is in the margins. I know that I do not build in enough margins to keep me from losing my patience, etc. I think if I was intentional and consistent I would accomplish a whole lot more without getting so upset if something does not go perfectly.

Case in point: this weekend. This weekend I have a list of things that I wanted to do. I wanted to take the kids to the Winter Wonderland festival. We went last year and they LOVED it and have asked periodically when are we going back? I also wanted to schedule them for a 15 minutes session with Santa at Chelsea's Tea Room. It took me all week to work out the logistics and secure a time that would not interfere with the other 4 things that I wanted to do. Also, my mom had invited me to her church's Festival of Tables. I really wanted to go, just to get to spend 2 hours with my mom. And I really, really, REALLY wanted to go to Mary's Christmas party. She throws the best parties around, but no go for me. I was incapacitated for an 18 hour pain-reliever stupor. So do you want to know how many of these things I was able to accomplish? None. Zero. Zilch. I made it through the weekend without accomplishing anything but getting an 'almost diagnosis'. I'm kind of sad about missing so many fun opportunities, but the whole weekend was out of my control...

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