Luke received a kite from Ms. Mary as a gift. Every since he saw the wind gauge on it, he has been obsessed trying out the wind gauge. He will say he wants to 'catch the wind' with it. I do not know how he came up with that particular phrase, but it actually makes sense. From the 3 year old!
When we got home from church today, we decided that we would try to go catch the wind.
We went to Veteran's Park, where there is a big open field to try out all the kites. Ms. Mary got Cooper a macaw one, Luke a dragon one and Natalie a box-type kite that was a Princess theme. They all came in these huge triangular clear cases and had minimal putting together steps. (This is always a plus, especially when the kids want to fly it RIGHT NOW!) John put Cooper together first and got it flying pretty quick. However, the wind was not so hip on staying around, so JUST when he had it going good enough to hand off to Cooper, the wind would die down. The poor macaw made many a crash landings!
Since Luke was the instigator of motivating us to fly the kites, John put his together next. He did not have so much luck and Luke was not so keen on following the directions of 'do not let any more string out, do not let any more string out!' I think he just wanted to hold the string dispenser and unravel it all.
At this point all the kids are all out of patients for getting their kites up and they wanted to play. Could not blame them on that account. I took them over to play while John kept flying the kites. FOR 30 MINUTES! Yes, I think the kites that Mary got for the kids were enjoyed by John the most!
THANK YOU Ms. MARY for the afternoon of entertainment! I am sure we will have many other afternoons of fun like this with our kites!
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