Our neighbors across the street have an 'annual' Christmas party the first Friday in December. It is so much fun! The first order of business is to check out the food. They have the most AMAZING selection of yummy things to eat.

Next, each couple gets into the STOCKING. This is the most gynormous stocking you have ever seen (
or stepped in to). Even John fits into it! Each couple stands in front of the fireplace (
with the N-O-E-L in the background) and they take a picture with a Polaroid. That way each person gets one to take home. That's a nice little party favor! A while later, we are all assigned numbers that we forget. Once we remember them or make up what number we want to be, we divide up into different rooms to play a trivia game, which varies from year to year. Sometimes it can be next to impossible (
fill in the blank-50+ questions) or like this year(
multiple guess, only 25 questions).

Our team actually answered all of them (
with the help of some one's blackberry!). We did not win, but it sure is fun to team up with people that you might not know and work together to try and win a prize.

Shortly after the trivia game, they start passing out envelopes for the 12 days of Christmas -
the Man Version. The rookie usually gets the "5 GOLDEN RINGS!" part. (
The whole song really hinges on that part, ya know?!?) This year they kept it clean, but in years past, some guys would get a little carried away. All in all, I look forward to this party every year, because it seems to be the unofficial beginning to the
Christmas season.
A Little About My Neighbors

My neighbors are so
much fun. They are the neatest family and we have so much in common with them. They are about 8 years ahead of us in the parenting department (one already in college). We watch what they do, knowing that we will be there eventually. I think that they watch what we do, reminiscing on how they used to handle 3 young kids. Also, they welcome and enjoy our kids coming over to their house. Our kids, in turn,
LOVE to go over there. It is such a novelty to them. I always think it is interesting that they can go somewhere that has no toys and
STILL HAVE FUN! The Mrs. will play soccer with them behind their house, bust out a craft for them to create something or even bake a treat. They never know what kind of fun is going to be had, they just know it will be exciting!
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