Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Kindergarten Program

Today Cooper had his first kindergarten program. We like to get a good seat for the kids' programs, so the whole crew showed up nice and EARLY. So early, in fact, that we scored the FRONT ROW JOE seats. Oh yeah, no one ridiculously tall was going to sit in front of me and my camera!

I do not know what we were expecting from a kindergarten program. A dance? Some songs? A few instruments? Believe it or not, we got all of the above. One class walked in a circle while the other 4 classes sang the song (I guess that is could be a dance?). They sang a total of 4 or 5 songs, loud and clear. And for one song each class had 2 children playing these lollipop drums and for another song they all got to shake some bells. Overall, Cooper did great and looked so proud that he had 4 fans in the front row. As for John, he wanted at least 45 minutes of entertainment since he took off 1/2 of the afternoon off to come watch this...

Cooper is showing the lollipop drum -->

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