John took Natalie and Cooper to his office today so I had to find a way to entertain Luke AND wear him out for nap. I'm still feeling not-so-good and very afraid of hurting my incisions, so I am kind of limited to the activities that I can partake in. I decided to take Luke to the Jumping Party place and let him run, jump and play his little heart out. I knew I needed to take someone who could keep up with him and play with him. My neighbors' 12 year old was just perfect for that job. She is young enough to enjoy playing and jumping plus

I could see how she interacts with him for future babysitting opportunities. Well, she did GREAT. He absolutely loved playing with her and she appeared to be having fun too.
It's funny, she is at an age where she can act like a kid when appropriate, yet carry on an adult conversation when appropriate. We had a great talk all the way out there. She is so well-spoken and also quite humorous. She answers questions in complete sentences and says yes and no vs. yea and uh-uh. She got her braces off a few months ago and since then it is like she has morphed into an almost teenager (in a good way) from being a little girl. It is so fun to see her growing up literally before my very eyes...

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