Mary is one of those people who are kind of hard to buy for. To say she has everything might be the Understatement Of The Year. However, sometimes you luck out and she'll surprise me with a "You know what I don't have is..."
and right then and there it is like STOP, TIME-OUT! I need to write this down! So that was one thing we got her: exactly what she asked for, matching drinking glasses. The search was long and tedious to find the right ones that I thought she would like, that would go with her variety of themes of plates and that she would like enough to use at gatherings. It was tough, but I think she liked them. John did quite a bit of shopping for Mary.
He got her a gun cleaning kit AND a new gnome. Not just any gnome, one that goes OUTSIDE! He even ordered it online (from GNOMES-R-US). The fact that he spent more than 5 minutes picking the right gnome out for her should say something... The kids picked out an ornament that was a huge 'M', a necklace that has an 'M' on it and a jacket that has her favorite character on it (Grumpy). I ordered her a book from Snapfish of the best select pictures that were taken this year of her, her and the kids and fun things that she has bought the kids. (WHICH IS A LOT, LET ME TELL YOU!)
Mary got the coolest things for the kids. She always gets them a book, writes an inscription in it and signs it with her name and Scout's name and his paw print. The kids love that. They think that is the funniest thing. (Me too!) She got them each a few other things that they JUST LOVE! Why? Because it came from Ms. Mary, of course!!
The best present Mary gave us? Staying to read three bedtime stories and helping me with the adventure of putting the kids to night-night!
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