* The sound of my mom laughing and playing with the kids.
* Seeing Natalie run to my dad from the soccer fields and him scooping her up in his arms.
* The look on Cooper's face after he scored his first soccer goal.
* Seeing the beating heart of each of my children on the sonogram.
* That Luke wanting 'soup' for Christmas when he was 2.
* The feeling of Cooper kicking when I was 13 weeks pregnant. I had just turned on Beethoven and he started kicking away.
* Seeing John get on one knee when we were rollerblading across the Joe Pool Lake levee and asking me to marry him as the sun was setting behind him.
* That Cooper wanting a 'fan' for Christmas when he was 3.
* Scuba diving with John in St. Lucia.
* That Natalie stayed in the Hello Kitty phase for over a year.
* How sweet it felt for Luke to wrap all his fingers around just one of my fingers when I would ask him to hold my hand.
* The thrill of flipping through the air.
* How Natalie reaches for my hand anytime we are walking beside each other.
* How warm Cooper's hands are anytime it is cold.
* How cute it is when Luke would say eleven up instead of seven up.
* How cute it was when Natalie would ask for Repel intead of Propel.
* The sense of pride and accomplishment I felt when I graduated from Boot Camp in 1990.
* How loved and real I felt after accepeting Christ as my Saviour in 1998.
* How cute Cooper and Luke were when they wore overalls as toddlers.* How cute Natalie was as Supergirl.
* How cute Luke was as the Incredible Hulk saying that he has 'big muth-thuls!"
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