Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sock Skating and other Indoor Activities

It was raining today. All day. Lots of rain = limited energy expending activities for the kiddos.
I took the 2 younger ones to the gym and let them have almost 2 hours of fun in there. (They LOVE the Kid's Klub at the gym!) John took Cooper, in the rain no less, on a bike ride in which they rode 10 laps around our block. A few of those laps Cooper did not even fall down the whole way around! He is doing so good riding his big boy bike with no training wheels. He even learned how to jump the curves (really the curbs, but it is cute to hear the mispronunciation.) You would think that after 40 minutes of bike riding the child would have been a little wore out? Tired? Anything? NO, he was even more riled up! That kind of energy is quickly transferred over to the other 2 children as soon as they walk in the door. The unwritten ESP message shared by all 3: "Let's see how quick we can wear out Mommy and Daddy with our excessive screaming and running!"

They started out with sock skating by putting on their socks and running on the hard wood floors and sliding as far across the kitchen as possible. Luke falls down a lot more than the other 2, but he acts like it is OK. This is endless fun. They do it until we tire of it. John had a great idea to make cupcakes and let the kids ice them. He bought all the makings for the activity yesterday (how about that?) It is really 2 activities in one-1) making the cupcakes, then 2) bribing them with a nap, so the cupcakes can cool enough for the icing. It worked, everyone took their nap without protest and got to decorate their cupcakes. Way to plan ahead JOHN!

1 comment:

Kirsten Foti said...

I wanna sock skate! We spent our day running to ninjitsu, Walmart, gymanstics...Then I worked in a nap before going to a movie. I got nothing accomplished!