Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mud Puddle Pie

My good friend, Mary, gives my children treats. A lot of treats. Treats that these children treasure up and keep forever. I could buy the same thing, but it would not be near as special as when Ms. Mary gives it to them.

One of the latest things she gifted them with were these buckets. Little buckets with ingredients to make edible treats. Cooper's was Mud Puddle Pie. After he asked the 89th time, I gave in and said we could make it. I must say that I was a little excited myself (as was John) to see how it would turn out. The mix came with these green and white gummy frogs. I don't know how many it started out with, but by the time we were ready to decorate the 'pie', there were only 3 sad looking ones that had probably hopped on the floor a few times. Nonetheless, we put them on and Cooper ate them like the were the best things EVER. Here is the final outcome:

Thank you Ms. Mary!!!

If you are wondering how it tasted, I have to say (and John agrees) that is was GREAT! So great in fact that there is none left as I am writing this...

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