Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Difficultness of Bed-time

I think I just coined the term 'difficultness', but there really is no other way to put it. Right now, we are in a season of bedtime being excessively cumbersome. Seriously, there is no need for us to start with the bedtime routine and still be continuing it a hour later. We used to be good at it! The kids used to be good at it! However, at some point in the last month or so, we have lost the ease of bedtime. What happened? I am still trying to figure it out. I think we need to sign up for a course:
Bedtime Basics 101:
How to Get your Kids to Bed in 10 Minutes or Less.
Yes, they look really cute, here.
This is before the arguing, bartering and bargaining.

1 comment:

maryeh34 said...

Have you polled your friends? Do you seriously know ANYONE that can get their 6, 4 or 3 year olds to bed in 10 minutes or less? Is that the over achiever in you popping out? Feed it cake... or wine :-) You'll be battling that for the next 10+ years I think. This whole idea is nearly as funny as me thinking I could read a magazine when I took the younger two to play miniature golf.