Sunday, October 12, 2008

HTC - High Tissue Content

This should have been the title of today's sermon. Instead it was our pastor's warning to all of us who have the potential to be affected by the testimonies of others. The series is called the Red Floor Chronicles and has really been quite moving. After his (exceptional) sermon, he had ~20 people from the congregation come up and give their 'cardboard testimonies'. Whoa. I had seen this on Youtube ( when it was done at another church. However, it is a whole different set of emotions when you see people you know laying their life out for all to see. I made it through the 2nd person before I had to reach for the tissue box. I was overwhelmed with the bravery that it took for those folks to come up on the the stage (twice!) and show their cardboard. Wow. I am still in awe....
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Page down to the middle of the page and click on the Message Title "Provision Christ".

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