Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

The little kiddos had their preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch today. They had so many pumpkins there! The kids' preschool has always gone to this same one for the last 6 years and this year there seemed to be a plethora of pumpkins. I do not know why it is so cute to see little guys running around pumpkins that are almost as tall as they are. All of the pumpkins seems to make perfect chairs for them! While they were there, they got to listen to a lady scarecrow read a story, feel the inside of a pumpkin and pick out their own little pumpkin as a souvenir. We had a great time, even though we were sweating like the middle of summer. That's October in Texas for ya!!!

1 comment:

Kirsten Foti said...

Where is a pumpkin patch? I would love to take the kids to one.