Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dave's Things You Don't Want to Hear at Thanksgiving

"These styrofoam peanuts are just as good as stuffing"

"In the year since we were last together, I forgot how much I despised you people"

"Instead of watching football, I Tivo'd a week of Regis"

"Finish carving the turkey, then we'll see if we can reattach your thumb"

"There are two pecan pies -- one I licked and one I didn't"

"Why is Shecky naked?"

"Surprise! It's a raccoon!"

"Did I shoot this turkey myself? You betcha!"

"Who invited Letterman?"

"Are you wearing a wire?"

"After grandpa has a couple more glasses of wine, get him to sign the new will"

"White or green meat?"

"You want a wing or a hoof?"

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