Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Latest Accomplishment

I finally did it. After months of procrastination, I finally accomplished a long ago set goal. I cleaned off the dining room table. Sound like a small feat? No, not really. It is quite an undertaking. Hence, the procrastination. It is not a chore that I could complete in an hour. It also is not a chore that I could just do a little here and a little there. No, there is no dipping your toe in to 'test' the water, you have to completely jump in the deep end with all your clothes on. There is no calling it quits until there is absolutely nothing on the table.
The rules:

*Relocating things is OK and actually expected.

*The trash will get completely filled up.

*The recycle bin will get some usage.

*It is OK to take a break and read an article from People.

*It is not OK to keep making piles and just move them around the table. They need a home.

*Use up all available closet space!

*If in doubt, throw it out. (Or put it in a pile for John to look at later.)

*If I make a box for John, I know that I need to put a date on the top, that way 6 months from now I can remind him, yet again, that he needs to go through his box.

*It is OK to have a beverage while enduring the marathon of cleaning the table.

*It sure feels good to be done! (Even if it did take 4 hours.)


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